Sunday, October 31, 2010

2 - Sojourner Spoof

The story of my life is that I've moved around a lot. Can't stay still. Always moving. Finishing one chapter of life and physically moving to another...often involving hundreds or thousands of miles distance between the two. Funny thing is, I'm not seeking out the move. Life forces it upon me and I oblige. I've said it every single time I've moved (and I am certainly not the first to iterate these words): moving sucks. Nevertheless, it is necessary.

In today's world, where information moves at the speed of light, economies rise and fall in minutes, and the demand for individual productivity requires immediate mobility, I am one of the many whose fate is tied to a future destination. It's never just tied to the one in which I currently reside.

That being said, I currently live in South Portland, Maine, and I moved here from Hilo, Hawai'i. Prior to that it was various places in Northern California, Southern California, Nevada, Germany, and Iran.

I came to Maine for graduate school, and I am currently a graduate student. Here's my profile on the school's graduate program website: .  It's extremely time-consuming work. It goes without saying, therefore, that my entries into this blog will be sparse and haphazard. It is for my own personal interest, then, that I write this. So if anyone else reading this has any questions for me, please email me ( brostama [ a t ] gmail [ d o t ] com ) and I will write you back or respond in the blog about it.'s a picture of some of the cells I had growing in the lab, fluorescently stained. :)

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